We have some exciting news! House of Love is growing and will be opening a new location in Jacksonville, FL. This is our very first location in this area and we appreciate the opportunity the Looking Glass is giving us to sell our products in their store.
You can find their facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/LookingGlassJax/?ref=page_internal. The address is 2748 Park St Jacksonville, FL 32205.
They have a total of 15 vendors that sell antiques, books, furniture, jewelry and other cool items. We'll be selling our beach dresses, jewelry, kids toys, handbags, bumper stickers and art. If you're in the area, please check us out starting April 1st.
Do you have a vendor mall or store and looking to either host a House of Love outlet or buy our products wholesale, contact us at houseoflovefl@gmail.com or call 727-656-3395. Want to shop online? Visit our online store at www.HouseofLove.love.